Friday, December 30, 2011
#9 almost 10
Thursdays lunch time hunt started off at Uncle Buddy's.He has a really nice cover and in 15 minutes we had #9. Keavy was in a good position right over a large brush pile with briers all around it.I knew by the way she was staring down that she had one spotted and was waiting for it to move from the cover. I came in from the back side and the rabbit made his move - it was a bad mistake. I heard the squeal and made my way in through the briers.
Keavy went through some thick briers and still had a good hold on the bunny.I think Uncle Buddy's squawking back at Keavy.
I checked my watch and headed for the cemetery. Keavy got high in the first cedar tree. First I got the dogs to hunt the field around the cemetery.Then we moved in and I could tell Janey smelled one.I hit the cover, out came the rabbit.Keavy went for it but no squeal. I went over and found Keavy with a lot of fur but no rabbit.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Saturday Mike and Becky finally got back to bobworld and we all got to go hawking.
Judy even came along and was beating the briers. We hunted all around the edge of the farm. Keavy followed us really well - Mike took some pictures.
We didn't find a rabbit until we got back close to the house.
Dakota got one moving. Keavy made a dive for it.We heard her hit the ground hard but no squeal.It was a long ways out and behind some tall sumac and she missed. She took flight right away and circled the field and made another dive.I didn't here a squeal and when I got out to her she had that the disappointed look on her face.
We had hunted for over two hours and then it was pizza time.
All the grandchildren came for Mass and the Christmas Eve party. They all have their own look.
We tried a real short hunt after pizza behind dads.But no rabbits found. The dogs did tree a big cat and Keavy flew over and checked it out.I called her down to the glove and called it a day.
It seems she's smart enough not go for bigger stuff. Last week I made the mistake of hunting too close to a home with chickens. She flew up in a big tree in their yard and checked out the chickens for a few minutes before I got her to come to me with the lure.I thought for sure I'd be paying for a chicken.No hunting Christmas Day - we went to Lori's house for the day. Played with the grandkids and went to the movies to see the Muppet movie with them.
Monday we had off and Keavy got #8 rabbit with the help of Janey.The dogs found the rabbit under a stump - I flushed it out. Keavy made her dive and I heard the squeal and went running to it only to meet the rabbit running with Janey in pursuit. I could see the rabbit was hurt badly. Keavy came flying back in just as Janey grabbed the rabbit - they both had hold of it till Janey gave it up.
Judy even came along and was beating the briers. We hunted all around the edge of the farm. Keavy followed us really well - Mike took some pictures.
It seems she's smart enough not go for bigger stuff. Last week I made the mistake of hunting too close to a home with chickens. She flew up in a big tree in their yard and checked out the chickens for a few minutes before I got her to come to me with the lure.I thought for sure I'd be paying for a chicken.No hunting Christmas Day - we went to Lori's house for the day. Played with the grandkids and went to the movies to see the Muppet movie with them.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
It was raining a little so we hunted close to the house at lunch time today. Monday and Tuesday we hunted along the edge of the woods of the back field behind the cabin.Both days Keavy had made dives into this big brier bed after this one rabbit that was smart enough not to come out in the open. I'd only hear a big thud when she'd hit the ground. She'd work her way up out of the briers and fly back into a tree where she would wait for the dogs get the rabbit moving again. She missed him three times Monday and twice Tuesday. The dogs pointed the biggest covey of quail I'd seen in a long time. Last Saturday we hunted the woods across the road. We never jumped a rabbit but Keavy tried for two squirrels. Sunday we hunted down the back lane. Keavy made one dive into the cemetery but missed. Today our luck changed. I released her in front of the cook house and she followed me and dogs out the lane. Within 15 minutes I jumped a rabbit and Keavy was on him so fast I missed the flight.
I put #7 in my bag and we went back to hunting. I was hoping for two but we ran out of lunch hour.
This lunch time rabbit is going to be dinner rabbit.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Keavy is taking this lunch time hunting thing very seriously. She's flying along with the bush beaters and positioning herself perfectly. George and Cindy came along and we had a great hunt.Cindy jumped the only bunny just in time for me to get back to work on time. This big old bunny made a big mistake when he ran from the briers.Keavy had him before Cindy could yell there goes a bunny.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
#4 & 5 BUNNYS
The grandchildren were visiting this week and wanted to go rabbit hunting with Keavy.
I got to take them a few times on my lunch hour. Friday Xander and I got #4. The two young boys missed it but Xander was in on the action.
Saturday Rick and I went and Keavy made two good tries. The first was a good chase scene and the second she got some fur but no rabbit.Sunday was just me and the dogs. Keavy was on top of her game. She wanted a rabbit bad and followed along from the tree tops without a call from me. We hunted the field edge behind the cabin. We didn't jump a rabbit till we were half way around the field edge. As fast as I could yell rabbit I heard Keavy hit the ground hard. But no squeal from the bunny.I found Keavy on the ground with that disappointed look on her face. She got on my glove and I walked her out to the edge.I gave her a pitch and back up in a tree she went.
The dogs where off on the rabbits trail. It had only been a few minutes and Keavy made a dive through the woods dodging trees and branches.Then came a squeal and I went running.I went in a little way and stopped to listen for her bells.I still can't believe how she could see that rabbit so far in that thick woods. When I got there she looked at me like she was saying come on help me hold this thing before it gets away .
I got to take them a few times on my lunch hour. Friday Xander and I got #4. The two young boys missed it but Xander was in on the action.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Rick came over around 10 for a morning hunt.The neighbors, the Webers,stopped over and they joined in. Bill Wright and his new puppy, Charlie, stopped in. We hunted the woods edge behind the cabin. Keavy went to the same tree that we had jumped 2 rabbits under last week. So we started there. Keavy was not in any hurry to move from that spot. She finally did move on and we had a good hour and half hunt. We only jumped one rabbit and Keavy missed it. Keavy got some good flying in. After lunch we headed over to dads. I met with Bill and Scott. There is a spot in the corner of the woods where there are always rabbits.Bill jumped one right away and it ran across the open field. Keavy gave us a good show chasing it across the field. She made her dive just as the rabbit turned the corner out of our sight. When we went over to check it out I found Keavy on the ground with a disappointed look on her face and lots of fur on the ground but no bunny.Back in a tree Keavy went and we started working away down the edge. Keavy was staying with us and the dogs were hunting good. I jumped the next rabbit and it went for a brush pile. Janey got in the pile and Keavy moved up to a high oak. I saw Keavy make her dive and #3 rabbit was in the bag. I really didn't think that rabbit was going to leave that brush pile. I got the camera out for some pictures only to find I didn't put a card in it. Got some pictures later that evening.
Tired ground crew.
I think in this picture Keavy is going over tomorrows hunting strategy and being ignored.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Wednesday It was back to the hedge row for a lunch time hunt.
Keavy was ready for #2.I had help from Nick beating the brush.The dogs were hunting
We were 3/4 the way down hedge row when I jumped the first rabbit. Keavy had just moved up to a tree in front of us. The rabbit ran back down the edge with Keavy on it's tail.It was a great chase and Keavy got a lot of fur but the rabbit got away.
I went Thursday at lunch time and we hunted the ditch bank on east side of the farm but didn't jump anything.
Today we hit the jack pot. First a snipe got up and went 100 yards and back down.
Keavy went for it and missed. Then I jumped a rabbit - she just missed it.
Then Janey found a covey of quail and Keavy made a try on one of them. Janey then got a rabbit moving and Keavy nailed it.#2 bunny in the bag.
Keavy was ready for #2.I had help from Nick beating the brush.The dogs were hunting
We were 3/4 the way down hedge row when I jumped the first rabbit. Keavy had just moved up to a tree in front of us. The rabbit ran back down the edge with Keavy on it's tail.It was a great chase and Keavy got a lot of fur but the rabbit got away.
I went Thursday at lunch time and we hunted the ditch bank on east side of the farm but didn't jump anything.
Today we hit the jack pot. First a snipe got up and went 100 yards and back down.
Keavy went for it and missed. Then I jumped a rabbit - she just missed it.
Then Janey found a covey of quail and Keavy made a try on one of them. Janey then got a rabbit moving and Keavy nailed it.#2 bunny in the bag.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Thanksgiving Day was Keavy's big day. I took her out to the edge of the woods and released her.She didn't want to leave my glove at first.I finally gave her a big throw and into a tree she went.
She settled in and watched the dogs and everyone like she'd done it before. We didn't jump any rabbits in the field so the next step was to see if she'd follow me. I had to get the lure out and give it a swing but she moved along with us just getting higher in the trees each move. Then she made a dive back toward the field. I headed for where I thought she should be but didn't see her or hear bells.I looked across the field hoping not to see her heading south. Then my sponsor, Bill, found her back up in a tree. I got the lure back out to try to get her to follow but she was happy where she was and not interested in the lure (she may have caught & ate a mouse). Keavy finally came down to the lure. It was getting close to turkey time so I put her back in the mew. Bill thought she did well and to take here hunting again.After dinner and a couple of glasses of wine, I ready to try again.
She really did well at staying with me & Steve. We jumped a rabbit and she dove for it but just missed. It was getting late so we called it a day. I was happy she went for the rabbit. Saturday I loaded her and dogs up and hunted a hedge row. She flew up in a tree and watched as the dogs and I hunted out the bunny.
We had only hunted for a few minutes when out came the rabbit. I heard a crash and a squeal and found Keavy holding our first rabbit.
She got to eat all she wanted and left some for me and the dogs.
She's a lean mean hunting machine with a full crop now.
I cooked my share last night.May have been the best Rabbit ever.
She really did well at staying with me & Steve. We jumped a rabbit and she dove for it but just missed. It was getting late so we called it a day. I was happy she went for the rabbit. Saturday I loaded her and dogs up and hunted a hedge row. She flew up in a tree and watched as the dogs and I hunted out the bunny.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Last Friday I went to Western Maryland for my second attempt to trap a female juvenile red tail hawk. I rode up with Bill who has been trapping hawks on the mountain for 25 years.The hawks are migrating south this time of year. Days with a good north west wind are best and that was what we had. We caught 10 juvenile red tails, most were females.I picked this one.
She was the biggest and came into the trap hard and fast.
She spent most of the next day with me on the glove getting to know the dogs and her new home. She has been a great first hawk. She ate from my glove Saturday and flew to me the on the zip line. She got a jetty ride too!
We at Bobworld decided to name her after Keavy. We all agree Keavy wouldn't have minded and probably would have gotten a hoot out of it.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Garry's here and doing a fine job.
The cook house is clean, supper cooked.He's supplying deer meat too. Sorry Connie, you can't have him back.I took Xander and Nate duck hunting.
We shot them up close coming into the wetlands. I was able to knock a couple down and the dogs picked them up.
Sunday Bill and I worked the dogs on quail and had a good hunt. The dogs found a covey and we each killed a couple.
The jersey guys were down for early muzzle loader season. I wasn't home Saturday when they left but heard they got one.I haven't heard what yet.I went after my hawk Saturday to Western MD. I want to catch a female red tail. The females are bigger then the males and that gives them an advantage for rabbit hunting.We were using bow nets.
We caught this pretty male.
We had a female make a couple of stoops [that's a dive] but we didn't get her in the trap.
Garry's grandson, Brodie, got a deer and brought it over so he could learn how to butcher it.
Wood duck season opened in Delaware and we've been hunting at the Taylor Farm.(Billy is out of town)
The dogs have been doing a really good job retrieving.
Garry's grandson, Brodie, got a deer and brought it over so he could learn how to butcher it.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Judy and I started on the bunk room in the cook house.
I have my brother-in-law,Garry,from North Carolina coming to stay for awhile. I'm making him chief cook and bottle washer.The jersey guy's have been down for bow hunting but no deer down. I've been too busy to get out and kill one. I'm down to the end of the deer burger now.So deer hunting is going to be a necessity.I plowed up the clover in the field behind the cabin and replanted it.
I put in a couple of small food plots. Wood ducks have started coming in to the wetlands pretty good. There seems to be 3 coveys of quail. The sunflowers are where the dogs find them the most.Blake and his friend Will and I went looking for the quail.
We finally found a big covey, but they went in to the soy beans and the dogs couldn't find them. The scenting conditions weren't good for the dogs.
Well we got bunk room finished.
Mike,Becky and their friends came to bobworld for the weekend.We all ran in the 5k Dogfish dash Sunday.
Well we got bunk room finished.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Hurricane Irene got two trees out of the way of the granary for me.
I wanted to cut them down myself but was afraid of them falling the wrong way and hitting the garage.
Irene wasn't!
It was nice of her to have the trees go around the chimney instead of through it.
Somehow Irene got the trees on the roof with little damage. The ridge cap is bent, that's about it.From what I've seen so far, the Quail I released two weeks ago made it through the storm o.k. The dogs find a covey or two on every walk.
The blurs in this picture are Quail heading for stubby cover.
We had over 10" of rain in the last week, making my clover look good.
All my food plots are looking good - this is how my sunflowers looked .
The corn is the best I've had in my flood pond.
This hunting season is going to be a little different. I'm trapping one of these guys.
I passed my falconry test and built a mew [home for the hawk]. May be used to hold out of control grandchildren.
That's going to be my fall job - catching a red tail and training it to catch rabbits and squirrels for me. I'll also be training my dogs to hunt with the hawk. Yeah, that's going to be interesting.
Irene wasn't!
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