Last Tuesday, at lunch, I decided to hunt the thickets on the Sylvester's. We hadn't gotten a rabbit there yet. I loaded the dogs and Keavy in the Kia. I parked between both tickets and let out the dogs and hawk. Keavy got in a tree over a big brier patch.
I walked in and Keavy flew in at the same time. I heard the squeal and #24 was in the bag in record time.

I was able to clean that bunny and get back to work on time.
Over the weekend I decided I had to do something about the beavers.They have build a dam in my ditch.

The ditch is behind the cabin. It has flooded so bad I can't drive out to the back field. At first I liked the way it flooded the woods - it made for nice wood duck habitat.

The water was getting way too high and backing water up on the neighboring farm.

I had tried to tear some of the dam out, but they build it back the next night. So, with a party happening this Friday, the time was right to take him out. Every body likes beaver meat!! I had a neighbor help me set traps. This beaver was in one the next morning.

He was 30 pounds.I skinned him last night.

His pelt was real nice - maybe I could make a hat.

I washed up the meat, cut it up, and have it soaking in salt water.

At lunch today I hunted around the back field.
In less than an hour we jumped three rabbits. The first two got away with just loosing a little fur. The last one (#25) wasn't so lucky.