Friday, October 19, 2012


The wind was just right for the Red-Tails to sail over our traps Wednesday. I went to Western Maryland with Dave and Bill and had a great day trapping hawks. 2012 143 We caught 18 hawks. I got first pick and took the biggest one.I named her Lilya Litvak, after a Soviet air ace from WW11, LILY, for short.She's the one on the left, all taped up for the ride home. 2012 136 We turned the rest of the hawks loose.oct 20012 003Here she is home with new ankets and jesses.She ate from my glove the first night and has gotten very tame.She weights 54 oz. Last weekend I caught a little male with my little BC trap. I taped him and weighted him. 2012 062He was just over two pounds.I took some pictures and turned the little guy loose.Mark came over and we started work on my corn crib.oct 20012 014 I got most of the siding done on Sunday. Hope to finish this weekend.oct 19 2012 001 Lily at work.