Bill and I went Quail hunting Saturday morning. We were in the tall weeds by plot #2. We found lots of roost. When the covey got up we may have missed the dogs on point since the weeds are so tall. There were about 15 or so birds in the covey, they flew to the edge of the woods. Dakota went on point and I flushed the bird. It went left, just has I took my first shot. My second shot connected and Dakota made a nice retrieve.

He dropped it at my feet.

Janey found the next one and held it for a long time before we found her on point.
It was Bills turn to shoot. The bird ran out back and got behind cover - not giving Bill a shot. We heard more birds get up but couldn't see them. We decided to look for another covey. Headed over to hunt near the wet lands and down the ditch but didn't find any more.
We did jump a small deer out of the thicket and two more good size does along the back lane on the way back.
Bill and I made a plan to meet at his farm around three to deer hunt.
I went flying for a hour and then cut wood till 3 o'clock.
When I got to the farm Bill was already in a stand.

I walked straight across the field - about 250 yard - to another stand .

I brought both my cross bow and shot gun. Had the wind blowing to my back. The stand had been there a few years and was built by some guys who weren't happy when Bill bought the farm and stopped them from hunting. You can see they tore all the walls and the roof off but left the back.
I leaned my shot gun in one corner and my cross bow in another. Within about 20 minutes six does came out into the field on my left. As I reached over for my shot gun, because they where out about 50 yards away, the biggest one saw me just as I was ready to shoot. They bolted and ran to Bill's stand. His gun went off and they all ran.About 30 minutes later I heard some noise to my right and here comes more deer. The first one in line was a nice size doe. I had my shot gun in hand - she was 10 yards away - so I wanted to use my cross bow. By now I could see at least five more. Three small and another nice one. But I couldn't make the weapon switch without getting seen and they bolted back into the woods. Well, in about 20 minutes I stood up and looked behind me. There's more deer looking right at me - all does. The smaller ones walk out past me but the two bigger ones bolt. There went that chance. I still don't believe it but 20 minutes go by and I hear more deer coming from behind me. This time I'm ready with the cross bow. The first three were smaller ones and came right past me. The next one was staring right at me -I froze -finally she came out and the other nice one came too. When she got 20 yards out, she turned, quartering me, giving me my shot.I shot fast and heard the arrow hit her as she jumped and went into the woods. I heard her crash. Bill got out of his stand and walked over to where the deer he had shot had been standing. I found my arrow in the ground covered with good blood but didn't see a blood trail to follow. I walked over to Bill and we found some blood from the deer he shot but not much of it. Since it was getting dark, and Bill had somewhere to go, I told him I would come back after supper with the dogs. Dakota found the deer I shot right away.

The dogs and I looked for Bill's deer with no luck. Called Bill - he said he would be back in the morning. I got my deer home and hang for the night.

Bill hunted for his deer for hours, finding only some pieces of bone - it seems like he hit it in the leg.