With only two weeks left of duck season, we went for the ducks.
Bill and I have been watching the ducks at his farm, waiting for some mallards to start using his flood pond. There were some nice groups showing up in the morning and late afternoon. Bill invited his son Scott,my Uncle Buddy [world famous waterfowl hunter],and Bill Wright. The day before, Bill and I put up a blind where the ducks were landing, on the north east end of the flood pond. We met at his farm at 6:30 Saturday morning to set out the decoys. There were a good 1/4 inch of ice that we had to break up for the decoys and to have places for the ducks to land.

It wasn't a good day for duck hunting - no wind and a clear sky. A group of mallards did fly over and Buddy did his best to try to call them in. They circled a few times but didn't like the way our decoys just sat still - they were looking for movement.Soon after that group left a single drake showed up and Buddy talked him into joining our decoys. We tried to get Scott to shoot but I guess it was too much pressure on him so his dad took the shot. To his surprise he got it. I left my dogs home because of the lack of room in the blind, so Buddy made the retrieve.

Not long after that, here comes a group of snow geese. Buddy called them in. We knocked down four of them and let one get away. Darn if he didn't come back around and gave us another shot and down he went.

Buddy left around 8:30 to shoot snow geese and we quit around 10:00.

Bill and I went back about 4:00. I bought my dogs. We had about four groups come in close enough to shot and got 3 more mallards before the end of shooting time. Lots came after sun set and were fun to watch. I went home and cooked some deer chops.

I had a bowl of my Mexican deer sausage soup to go with it.

Then went in the house with the dogs and had a glass of my wine.

Both dogs passed out.

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