I met Bill at his farm Saturday morning. We had a plan to sneak up on the snow geese and ducks that had spent the night on the pond. With both my dogs, we snuck up to the pond before shooting light. The ducks always leave first and we were in place when they left. The first pair of ducks flew over Bill and he got one of them. Then the snows got up, about a thousand, they were a little too far for my twenty but I did knock one down. The dogs went for Bill's duck and didn't see my goose go down. Janey finally found it. Next we put decoys out in the field. Stayed in the blind till 8 and then gave up since it was cold. I went home and cleaned up the buildings. Bill sat in the truck and watched the ponds. A lone goose came in to the decoys. That got Bill out of the truck and back in the blind. The goose stayed with the decoys and Bill. When Bill saw another goose, he started calling and almost got him but he flared and away he went. It was snowing hard by then and Bill went home. At 4 I called Bill and told him I was going back to try for the ducks as they came back to the pond for the night. When I got to the blind the goose was still there but I couldn't stop Janey from running it off.

The wood ducks started coming back about 4:45 and I ended up getting 2.

Dakota retrieved one and Janey got the other - they were both drakes.
We ended up with about 8" of snow. I've been seeing a lot of does in the food plots and there has been 8 quail feeding in the soy beans next to the the cover beside brother Brian's house for last few days. Here's my house in the snow.
Hey Bob house looks nice with the snow. Can't wait till next year. Gotta bring the wood stove to you. to much snow today for that. maybe next weekend.
I want a snowmageddon update!!