I cleared a path to the hard road with my tractor. Then went to brother Brians house through the field. Cleared his drive way.
Judy tried my snow shoes, fell down and couldn't get back up.
This weekend I cleared a path down the back lane almost to the straw bales. The snow geese were out by the wetlands and I was able to get one.
It's not that bad a walk now to the duck blind or wetlands.The snow geese ate all my corn. I got this picture on my trail cam that is set up at the flood pond.
Two of these geese have bands around their necks. I put corn out behind the duck blind and a salt block and set my trail cam there. The next day I checked on the camera and corn and found this:
Here I am, I can't believe it, - 50 pounds of corn gone!
Monday at lunch the snow geese were back at the wetlands. I walked to the trees sticking up in the pond, the ice was thick enough to walk on. Resting my 17HNR rife on a tree, I took aim at one of those geese with the bands around it's neck. It was out about 175 yards. I aimed a little high and hit the goose behind it. It fell over on it's back and Janey went for the retreive. Before she got to it, it got up and flew off - Janey chasing behind.
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