Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I checked all my wood duck boxes over the weekend. The box out in the wetlands was empty but showed signs that a duck my have been in it. There was as a impression in the shavings and a feather or two. The box pictured here is in the hedge row by the small pond. DSCN0708This Box has 17 eggs in it.DSCN0706The duck covers them with down when not there. I moved it away to count the eggs.DSCN0707I'm going to set up a trail cam on the nest box today. Last year this box got raided.
I put the guard around the post since then. I put another box for ducks by the cabin to replace the one that now has squirrels. That box had a good hatch last year.
My bother Mark checked his boxes over the weekend and found this early hatch. By the size I'm thinking she hatched in January.100_1267.Mark has these boxes at the east end of his pond.100_1311
This box is at the ditch .100_1309This duck is on the job. 100_1306She's setting on these eggs.100_1234


  1. That bird Mark found - too cute!

  2. Hello Bob, Your folks suggested we might check into your blog. Nice to see the beautiful woods and farmland and the family faces. Looks like you have a great life. Will share your blog with some California hunters in our family. Take care, Your cousin Sandy

  3. Nice to hear from you.
    Glad you enjoy the pictures - you are right, I do have a great life!
