This guy showed back up behind my dads again.
Friday, August 20, 2010
We put the stairs on the stand last evening so the dogs are happy - they can watch for game.
Dogs and I sat in it this morning - Janey thought she saw something moving.
There was a heavy fog this morning, she was hoping a fox might come by.
One of our neighbor's fawns got hit. I saw it along the road and checked it out - it was a doe.
This guy showed back up behind my dads again.
He hasn't gotten any better looking.
This doe took a nice picture.
This guy showed back up behind my dads again.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
I got my dad and brother to help move the stand to the field.
Dad used the backhoe to sit it on the wagon and to take it out to the field.
Dad then sat it on the platform.
I sat in the stand on Sunday evening - a doe with her fawn come out first and then this 6 point buck.
Next I need stairs so the dogs can get up there and then I need windows before winter comes.
Here is a movie of the placement: chief engineer and eguiptment operator.
Friday, August 13, 2010
We had a good rain Thursday morning: 1.4". I mowed all the clover early in the week so it was real nice for that. The beans and some of the corn are still making seeds -the rain will help them also.
This is Jap Millet its starting to look good
I hear quail all the time but haven't seen any small ones.The dogs have a bird pointed here.
The ducks are counting up at the wetlands - around 75 coming in most days.I see alot more fawns out in the fields and food plots. I have problems with two of my four deer cams. Only got a few good pictures.
I got an earlier picture of this guy .
I put a cam at Milton's feeder this week - I haven't checked it yet. With all the corn around I haven't seen as many deer on my ride around the farm. The sunflowers are dying now and I'm hoping the doves will be showing up in time for opening day - Sept 1.The little birds are starting to pick out the seeds.
Went to see the kids last weekend. Wanted to have a talk with my buddy OBAMA
but could not get in the White House.
Went out to eat with Mike and Becki. We had a big beer at nice place.
On Sunday we went to Lori and Dan's. Here I am with the new grandson, Zackery.
We then went to watch Molly in a Beauty Pageant.
She was a big winner.
After After the pageant we went to the Red Robin and celebrated Max's fifth birthday.
Went out to eat with Mike and Becki. We had a big beer at nice place.
On Sunday we went to Lori and Dan's. Here I am with the new grandson, Zackery.
Friday, August 6, 2010
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