We had a good rain Thursday morning: 1.4". I mowed all the clover early in the week so it was real nice for that. The beans and some of the corn are still making seeds -the rain will help them also.

This is Jap Millet its starting to look good

I hear quail all the time but haven't seen any small ones.The dogs have a bird pointed here.

The ducks are counting up at the wetlands - around 75 coming in most days.I see alot more fawns out in the fields and food plots. I have problems with two of my four deer cams. Only got a few good pictures.

I got an earlier picture of this guy .

I put a cam at Milton's feeder this week - I haven't checked it yet. With all the corn around I haven't seen as many deer on my ride around the farm. The sunflowers are dying now and I'm hoping the doves will be showing up in time for opening day - Sept 1.The little birds are starting to pick out the seeds.

Went to see the kids last weekend. Wanted to have a talk with my buddy OBAMA

but could not get in the White House.

Went out to eat with Mike and Becki. We had a big beer at nice place.

On Sunday we went to Lori and Dan's. Here I am with the new grandson, Zackery.

We then went to watch Molly in a Beauty Pageant.

She was a big winner.

After After the pageant we went to the Red Robin and celebrated Max's fifth birthday.
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