The dogs and I sat in the big stand Saturday morning. Janey was watching out the west side and spotted a doe and her fawn.

The deer went across the corn to the grass field. They stayed out of cross bow range but I wouldn't shoot a doe the with a fawn.We stayed in the stand till 7:30 a.m.,then rode down to dads and got coffee. There were seven deer out in his bean field, all does and fawns.I went to the tree stand in the corner behind Brian's house at 5:00.

A little after 6 I saw a doe out in the grass. Something spooked her and she came running towards me. She got about thirty yards from me and I watched her for awhile. This could be the doe here in this picture. She looked to be an older doe and by her self so I went for the kill.I put the middle dot in my scope on her heart and squeezed the trigger.She jumped and

ran off.
Went and checked for blood and found nothing but my arrow - not even a hair on it.
Some how I missed. I got back up in my stand and could see about 7 does in the clover field. Stayed till dark but nothing came back in range.
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