I was hunting from the stand on the edge with the flood pond for maybe 15 mins.when my phone rings.
I got one [what did you get?] it's a nice one [how big?] it's a quality buck, come help me.
I had walked back to the stand and Ed had the Kia so he came and got me. We stopped at the house to get my knife, flash light and dogs of course. Traded the Kia for the Toyota pickup and the adventure started. The problem with early bow season is it hot & you gotta get the deer in the cooler.The problem of evening hunting is it gets dark. Ed said the deer came running by his stand and slowed to a walk just long enough to give him a chance to make his shot. The arrow passed right through the heart and out the shoulder. The deer ran about a 100 yard and dropped .

Its too bad the deer ran away from the path. His stand is back in the woods 1/8 mile and off a path about 100 yards. We would have to drag it about 200 yards to the truck. I held the light and Ed gutted the deer.

That part probably turns people off but it's part of hunting.It was raining lightly and real dark by the time we started dragging it out.

We had to drag it over more fallen tree then we remembered walking over coming in.

So Ed stayed with the deer and I walked up ahead to find a clear path to the truck. When I came to the stream that should have been behind me I realised I was LOST IN THE WOODS AGAIN. I needed my compass or GPS but didn't think to grap them. Since the stream runs east to west and we were on the north side we knew the water flowed west and that got us going toward the truck again. When I found the path the truck was on, I put my light in a tree there. Went back to Ed and we headed for the light. Found the truck up the path aways. Got to truck, reached in my pocket for my camera and found I lost it some where along the drag. Put deer in truck and headed for the butcher.
The deer weighted 154, 9 points, looked to be 2 1/2yrs.old, really nice rack. In two years he would have been a monster.
Went back this morning - found my camera.
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