Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Dove season starts in MD today. Bow season for deer starts in DE today.
I will try and get some doves today. The dogs will be happy to see the 20 gauge out and birds falling. I see these two young bucks a lot. If they stay on my farm they should be safe. They're only going to be a year and a half this season. PICT0085They're the only bucks that have been out in the day time. They have to get through this deer season and wise up. We went to Summerfest in Denton and met Bob Ehrlich, he's running to be Gov. again. IMG_0266
He's holding Abby and wearing my hat. Friday evening George and Cindy came over to check out my new deer stand and the wildlife. We took a nice jitney ride. There were a lot of wood ducks on the wetlands. George came up with calling my farm "Bob's World".
I like it and think I'll put up a sign "WELCOME TO BOB'S WORLD".IMG_0332Janey always rides the hood. Christian got his first jitney ride through BOB'S WORLD and loved it. IMG_0333Christian is from PA and comes to Ridgely Airport to hang glide. I cooked wood duck, deer burgers and wild rice. Christian brought the ice cream. Cindy and Judy enjoy having a meal cooked for them. IMG_0340Dakota and George had a beer.IMG_0350Janey went for the ice cream.IMG_0338Saturday we got up early and went to the RESTORING HONOR RALLY IN DC. Steve and Sue went with us. 106_1483IMG_0354Note: DC is not part of BOB'S WORLD.
Just got back from lunch and got my first dove of the year. I now have something for dinner - it will take a lot of rice to make a meal. The dogs were very happy.IMG_0378Janey made the retrieve.
IMG_0385I gave it a throw so Dakota could retrieve it too.IMG_0388The corn is getting close to being ready - that should bring in a lot more doves.IMG_0382

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