The snows geese are almost all gone now. While they were on the farm we only killed maybe 20. So many birds but really hard to hunt.

Dakota got stitches out a couple of weeks ago and now is back to normal.

This eagles job was to keep the snow geese from feeding on the wheat.The farmer had them spaced out though the fields.

They seemed to work at first, then the geese got used to them.I started strip disking.
last week.

This brings different weed seeds to the top for good quail habitat.The seagulls came from every where for the worms that came to the top.I got these pics last week.

I haven't found any sheds yet.

We went rabbit hunting with Bill's goshawk - we jumped around 5 rabbits and the hawk got some fur but all the rabbits got away.

Bill fed him up good at the end of the day.
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