Monday, March 21, 2011


I've been busy the last two weekends. I got the wood duck boxes and bluebird houses all ready last weekend.I checked one of the wood duck boxes at the wetlands this weekend and it already has eggs in it.She comes to the box once a day, lays an egg and then covers it.DSCN1261I moved the cover here.DSCN1262 The blue birds were inspecting all their houses too. I'm working on making brush piles in the quail habitat for the rabbits .P3120026 I cut the trees from the ditch banks and have spaced out 7 piles through the fields. I haven't seen rabbits using them but the little birds love them. Bill's going to have the old buildings torn down on his farm, so I started pulling the best boards to use for paneling at Bobworld.P3120008 The boards are really nice, wide with lots of little worm holes. P3120025I've got to rescue those big timbers too. I wasn't long getting a jitney load. P3130047 Lori spent a few days at our house last week. She was working on copying some old pictures that the grandparents have. Lori also had a college student helping with the kids.P3150017Blandine is from France. I cooked her pheasant for dinner in Bobworld.P3160028Nate is always a hoot. He's showing off the bottoms of his boots. P3160024This weekend I opened up the woods road so the jitney could get through easy. I worked up and planted a new clover plot.P3200117It's a one acre plot in front of my big stand. P3200123It should make for some good deer watching.I watched the ducks coming into Bill's flood pond with my dogs Friday night.P3180087It was too dark to get the ducks on film but there were hundreds.From there I went to Brian's house where they had opened one of the little kegs.P3180099I had a beer with them.P3180104Sunday night Bill brought some steaks over and I cooked them up.P3200129 Bill and his sons,Levin & Scott came for dinner. George & Diane and Rick were also there.P3200125These turkeys were on the deer cam behind the house.PICT0762
Jake came home from the Air Force Academy and bought his friend Marshall with him. We toured Bobworld with the jitney. Brian and Emily rode along too.P3210002

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