Monday, May 24, 2010


I have my helpers staying with us while their mom is resting up after having baby brother Zachary. Baby ducks hatched just in time for grandchildren to help with the feeding.IMG_0576
My cousin Steve brought me 6 eggs that he rescued while farming a field. I put them in the incubator and in 4 weeks I got 5 ducks. IMG_0577I had lots of help planting my food plots tooIMG_0626. IMG_0593Nate is checking seed depth here for me.IMG_0618 Max is making sure the planter is working ok.Molly is enjoying the ride to the plot.IMG_0613 Nate's checking a bean sprout.IMG_0596When the work's done we get to climb the hay stack.IMG_0674I put my camera on the clover field for a couple of days and got these deer. PICT0013I got Dad's case and worked up 2 acres for some sun flowers, corn and beans near the clover plot. PICT0043I moved the camera to the wetlands hoping to get those little wood ducks. Here's the first days pictures. PICT0075PICT0066PICT0081
The wind was just right for kite flying.IMG_0721I moved the ducklings to a bigger home.IMG_0735Saturday we took a trip to Assateague Island to see the ponies. The kids had read the Misty book and watched the movie and were excited to see the ponies.IMG_0695IMG_0702IMG_0715

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


The deer have been using the clover field most every evening. Between 10 and 30 are coming out. The quail have been calling.I usually hear 3 calling back and forth.
There's a new brood of ducks at the wetlands. They may be Mallards, I haven't seen
the hen. IMG_0445 The ducklings were feeding against the bank and headed for the cattails when they saw me & the dogs. The dogs wanted to chase them but I called them back.IMG_0448
It's just amazing how much activity there is. I'm going to set up a blind and get some pictures. Last Friday evening our friends, George and Cindy, came over and got the tour on the jetney.
IMG_0110After the tour I cooked them some deer meat and vegs.IMG_0144George made a new friend.IMG_0154Cindy gave me a hand with the cooking.IMG_0142I somehow was able to get this group shot. IMG_0162I got this planter to use from my friend Jerry.IMG_0461I'm going to try and get my food plots planted this week. I sprayed round up last weekend and killed off the vegetation.IMG_0430 This planter will put the seed in the ground. I was hoping for a little more rain to soften the ground. I picked up my seed last nite . IMG_0463I got some minerals to make the antlers grow. IMG_0464
We went to Mike and Becki's(son & daughter-in-law) house Sunday and checked out their garden.IMG_0395They have a guard - because something got the corn.IMG_0403They live in Arlington, VA. This is what the frogs look like down there.IMG_0402Mike is getting ready to be a bee keeper. He put these bee houses together.IMG_0405

Friday, May 7, 2010


This ground hog took to the trees to get away from my dogs. IMG_0074The dogs chased him up there Monday morning.IMG_0072He stayed there till sometime Tuesday night.IMG_0078
I saw the first brood of wood ducks at the wetlands Sunday morning. I counted 22 of them. I saw them twice since then. Counted them today and there's still 22. I 'm going to set up the camera and try get a good picture. Brother Mark got pictures of his ducks leaving the box. DSC00848Mom comes out first and calls the little ones.DSC00864They do this within a day after they hatch.DSC00876DSC00887Dad got started working up ground. He decided he needed to plow.IMG_0099The field hasn't been tilled for 10 years. It was in a warm season grass program. Dad decided to till it himself this year.IMG_0090IMG_0095101_1023I got a rabbit out of the freezer and cooked it along with the fresh asparagus from my Mom.