Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Hatch

I kept the temperature in the incubator a 1/2 degree higher with these eggs.It was a test to see if I would get a better hatch. Well Tuesday we moved the eggs to the hatchery.P6280186Well Judy and Cindy did. George and I supervised.I found the thermometer was reading one degree lower and that's on the edge of cooking them. I was using this thermometer.P7010256The eggs hatched a day early. I got a 70% hatch - I was hoping for 80%.P7010254From the hatchery they go to the broader house. P7040002They stay in broader house for four weeks.P8030016 .Then I put them out in the field in three different spots in recall pens.P8040024After a few days I started releasing half of them. Then after a week I let them loose. Now when I take the dogs for a walk we find birds.


The old granary's new location has been picked. Some of the pillers completed.P6140100The granary after it was jacked off the trailer.P6300222Allen is finishing up the pillers here. I cut three oaks down. Two had been struck my lightning and the other one's time was just up.P6040071 Mark brought the saw-mill over and we cut all the framing lumber.
Dad's putting a log on the mill here. P6180275Mark is the sawyer, Skip and I were the log rollers.P6180269Here's the team in the end of the day photo - all fingers attached.P6180295This mill uses a big band blade. P6180252It has a Honda engine.P6180271The lumber now has to dry for a while before we start framing.P6300244

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Walking with the dogs I saw Dakota stop and check something out.It turned out to be a quail nest.Every egg had hatched out.P6210341I put 1000 eggs the the incubator on June 8th.P6080002My plan is to release them when they are 5 weeks old. If some of them join up with the brood of wild one that would help the new ones out.The deer have been using the mineral's I put out.
PICT0160These guys are regulars.IMAG0012Nate and I went fishing.P6120035Nate was catching them as fast as I could take them off the hook. P6120040We went to North Bowers Beach for crab cakes and soft shell sandwiches. P6120084Mark, Bonnie and Abby went with us.
Nate had to check out this crane - he gets that from his great grandpa.P6120086