Friday, August 20, 2010


We put the stairs on the stand last evening so the dogs are happy - they can watch for game. IMG_0243Dogs and I sat in it this morning - Janey thought she saw something moving. IMG_0253There was a heavy fog this morning, she was hoping a fox might come by.IMG_0257 One of our neighbor's fawns got hit. I saw it along the road and checked it out - it was a doe.IMG_0242
This guy showed back up behind my dads again.PICT0256He hasn't gotten any better looking. PICT0479This doe took a nice picture.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I got my dad and brother to help move the stand to the field.IMG_0174Dad used the backhoe to sit it on the wagon and to take it out to the field. IMG_0175Dad then sat it on the platform. IMG_0188I sat in the stand on Sunday evening - a doe with her fawn come out first and then this 6 point buck. IMG_0224Next I need stairs so the dogs can get up there and then I need windows before winter comes.IMG_0191Here is a movie of the placement: chief engineer and eguiptment operator.

Friday, August 13, 2010


We had a good rain Thursday morning: 1.4". I mowed all the clover early in the week so it was real nice for that. The beans and some of the corn are still making seeds -the rain will help them also.IMG_0158 This is Jap Millet its starting to look goodIMG_0146 I hear quail all the time but haven't seen any small ones.The dogs have a bird pointed here.IMG_0431 The ducks are counting up at the wetlands - around 75 coming in most days.I see alot more fawns out in the fields and food plots. I have problems with two of my four deer cams. Only got a few good pictures. PICT0157I got an earlier picture of this guy .PICT0199I put a cam at Milton's feeder this week - I haven't checked it yet. With all the corn around I haven't seen as many deer on my ride around the farm. The sunflowers are dying now and I'm hoping the doves will be showing up in time for opening day - Sept 1.The little birds are starting to pick out the seeds.IMG_0142 Went to see the kids last weekend. Wanted to have a talk with my buddy OBAMA IMG_0138but could not get in the White House.IMG_0007
Went out to eat with Mike and Becki. We had a big beer at nice place. IMG_0034
On Sunday we went to Lori and Dan's. Here I am with the new grandson, Zackery.IMG_0045 We then went to watch Molly in a Beauty Pageant. IMG_0111She was a big winner.IMG_0104After After the pageant we went to the Red Robin and celebrated Max's fifth birthday.IMG_0121

Friday, August 6, 2010


The deer hunters came down this weekend and put up some stands.IMG_0412Ed made a find. IMG_0415 Milton went up with me and checked out the woods from the air. IMG_0419There was some strange activity in the sunflowers this week.That's where Molly and her cousin Abby were seen.100_1380100_1389Nathan likes my flat squirrel.