Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Saturday morning I finally heard "bob-white bob-white". I was close to the center of the farm and heard four birds calling. I was getting worried, it was April 20th last year when they started calling. The other exciting news is I got the old grainy moved to Bobworld.P5220084You can see it's not going to take much work to get it back in shape.P5250020 I got it in position. Will be cutting some trees so Mark can saw the lumber needed. I got a nice big turkey last Wednesday. Just in time for Fridays BBQ. P5180012I cooked him on the grill, there wasn't any shot in the meat. One little bullet just hit him behind the head.P5180021This week the Indigo bush down the back lane was in bloom.P5220067Janey has a nice point on a rabbit here. P5210064All the little geese are still alive - I thought for sure some of them would be dinner for a fox or hawk. P5210055I got most of my food plots planted.P5010039My new planter works real nice.P5250007The beans and corn came up real nice. P5250008The sunflowers are almost big enough to cultivate. The new clover plot is really doing well. I mowed it for the second time this week. P5250005If we get enough rain it will be nice this fall.P5250004The deer have been feeding on the clover most evenings. IMAG0015Janey came running out of the woods yesterday morning with a doe chasing her. Bill and I couldn't believe it. Janey was out of breath & scared for her life! The doe must have had a fawn close by.