Thursday, October 21, 2010


On my lunch time walk, Janey went on point and I flushed 5 quail. Last year at this time I had 2 coveys of 15 or more.I'm still hoping to find more but I know last winters snow was really hard on them. IMG_0783Their seems to be lots of rabbits and squirrels.I've only killed one squirrel and that was when I was waiting for the doves to start flying. I got Mikes' friend Matt to help me skin it. IMG_1173The doves that day came all at once. Bill is waiting here with his retriever Bear. IMG_1165His son Scott was using Dakota for his retrieves. IMG_1162This guy was in the box trap at the wetlands. They eat a lot of quail eggs and sometimes eat the birds on the nest. IMG_1265
Some of The Jersey guys came down last night for muzzle loading that starts today.
They made a crock pot full of Kielbasa. IMG_1283I plugged it in for them on my lunch break - they were staying in their stands all day.IMG_1300They were still partying when I went to bed. Hope they not sleeping in their stands when that big buck comes by.IMG_1285

Monday, October 18, 2010


This Saturday was opening day for ducks.Rick and TJ were at my house at 6 a.m.
The ducks have been roosting on the wetlands at night and leaving every day at first light. Most all the ducks take the same flight path every day coming and going.
Rick and I hid in the weeds along the back lane about 3 or 4 hundred yards from the wetlands. TJ hid back by the flood pond.
We were all in place by 6:35 and shooting hour was 6:45. The first ducks, most of them mallards, came across a few minutes early. I waited till the first big group of wood ducks came and the duck shoot was on. I was shooting my double barrel 20 and emptyed it five times. Rick and TJ were shooting 12 gauge autos. The ducks were all gone by us in five minutes. We got 7 ducks total.IMG_1199 TJ shot the best: 2 ducks with 2 shots.IMG_1206Rick got 3IMG_1205Rick and I walked to the flood pond and 1 woody got up out of it. I killed it, giving me 2. IMG_1201That duck fell in the pond and Janey retrieved it.IMG_1194We hung around the pond a few minutes in case more would show up but none did .IMG_1207Took some pictures.IMG_1210Then went back and cooked breakfast.IMG_1227Rick brought waterfowl sausage that he made and TJ brought fresh eggs from his home flock. After breakfast we cleaned the ducks. I had to take more pictures of them. You can see why the Wood Ducks are considered the most beautiful duck. IMG_1220They are also the best eating duck.IMG_1230

Monday, October 11, 2010


Counting ducksIMG_0797IMG_0794Eating good stuffIMG_0799Eating healthy stuffIMG_1139Wines - healthyIMG_1144Great hunting dogsIMG_1154IMG_1149More good food.IMG_1138Drinking beer in moderation of course. IMG_1135Strange Stuff100_0299Funny StuffDSCN0961

Friday, October 8, 2010


On my ride around the farm last evening I found this guy in my box trap at the wetlands.IMG_1132He's a young raccoon and looked really sad. After relocating him I went and sat in the tree stand by the flood pond. A doe and two fawns came from the field towards me but before they got very close she winded me and they went back to the field. I've been counting the wood ducks leaving the wetlands. I counted 150. I had a lot of doves in the sun flowers the other evening, looked like 100. We're planning on a dove shoot Saturday. Got this picture off the camera behind the stand at the flood pond. PICT0284I don't think he has a tail. I got this picture in the corner at the end of the hedge row behind the cabin. PICT0827I got a lot of pictures of does there.PICT0884The next time I go deer hunting I'm going to sit in the stand in that corner.I put a camera on the other side of the woods under a big oak thats dropping lots of acorns. PICT0061 Janey's watching a squirrel.IMG_1129I need to start putting some of them in my freezer.

Monday, October 4, 2010


The dogs and I sat in the big stand Saturday morning. Janey was watching out the west side and spotted a doe and her fawn. IMG_1007The deer went across the corn to the grass field. They stayed out of cross bow range but I wouldn't shoot a doe the with a fawn.We stayed in the stand till 7:30 a.m.,then rode down to dads and got coffee. There were seven deer out in his bean field, all does and fawns.I went to the tree stand in the corner behind Brian's house at 5:00.IMG_0806 A little after 6 I saw a doe out in the grass. Something spooked her and she came running towards me. She got about thirty yards from me and I watched her for awhile. This could be the doe here in this picture. She looked to be an older doe and by her self so I went for the kill.I put the middle dot in my scope on her heart and squeezed the trigger.She jumped and PICT0719ran off.
Went and checked for blood and found nothing but my arrow - not even a hair on it.
Some how I missed. I got back up in my stand and could see about 7 does in the clover field. Stayed till dark but nothing came back in range.