Monday, January 21, 2013


I took pop pop's  double out after quail . Janey went on point at the corner of the woods behind Brian's house. I walked up to her and tried to get a picture and the birds flushed! The covey of about 20 was in the biocolor lispesa . I only was  able to get one shot off  by the time I dropped my phone  and shoulder the double .I loved  it  when the bird went down. Dakota made the retrieve.DEC.31 20012 005It's cool getting a quail with my first shot from the double.DEC.31 20012 018Then  the following weekend I took it out with the beagles.
Katie  jumped a rabbit and  they ran it around past me  twice.  When the rabbit crossed the lane I through a load shot out of the left barrel at him. The weeds were too high to see if I connected. When the dogs stopped running I walked in to find they had my rabbit.JAn 16 2013 015The duck hunting hasn't been too good. There's been a couple hundred wood ducks using Bill's pond but they leave every day at first light. They won't come back till after shooting light. I got these one morning.DEC.31 20012 031The hawking's been good. Lily's got 21 rabbits so far. JAN 2 2013 011