Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Johnny, a friend, shot a button buck and left it at the house CHRISTMAS EVE.
It was small, so I butchered it myself.DSCN0340
I made sausage out of most of it. I'll post the recipe later. TJ gave me some ducks and geese. I made sausage with them too.
Bill and I shot the wood ducks again Saturday. We got 6- here's my three.DSCN0342
The Jersey hunter's got a buck on Dec 23rd. It had 4 points on one side but a problem with the other side. Ed hunted last Saturday and saw some small bucks and some does. But nothing he wanted to shoot. The snow geese are showing up now- maybe I can get some of them in the freezer.
I got some pictures of an 8 pointer and six pointer on my deer camera. PICT0019PICT0018.

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