Friday, July 9, 2010


It's been hot and dry. The deer seem to be staying in the woods till sundown.
I put a camera at my Dad's to check those deer out.PICT0041This guy should be easy to identify.PICT0040His buddy doesn't look too bad.I went flying this week and took these pictures of the farm.IMG_0250IMG_0253Mark helped me put the tile in the ditch. When I get the dirt over it I'll be able to drive the tractor across.IMG_0303The sun flowers in the food plot by the ditch bloomed this week.IMG_0188They didn't get very tall but did make some seeds.IMG_0191I still haven't seen any baby quail but do see a quail or two every couple of days. They are calling all the time.I did take out two foxes this week.IMG_0219Ed came down with his dad and we spotted him at the wetlands while we were driving around.We went to Mike's last weekend. IMG_0278We watched the fireworks from his office.Here's my Mom and Abby.IMG_0292

1 comment:

  1. Love it, first time I've seen a photo of your mom (my aunt) with Abby
