Monday, November 8, 2010


I went with my dogs again on their hunting trip to S.D. This year Belle, Emma and their owner Steve rode together with my group. It's a 24 hour drive that we do in two days.IMG_1426We stay and hunt on Bruce's farm near the small town of Roscoe.DSCN0799It's always nice seeing Bruce - he was combining corn.
There were 7 of us hunters and 9 dogs this year. We go for the pheasant hunting - it's always good. IMG_1506 This was a wet year for the area, so there was a lot of water and that made for a lot of ducks. I had never seen so many ducks at one time. We hunted a flooded corn field and had lots fun with the ducks.I bought a roto duck in Aberdeen. PB080021We put a blind up and shot ducks.IMG_1513Janey and Katie, George's lab, did the retrieves.DSCN0636Janey has one here that played the diving game. DSCN0765Most all the ducks were mallards.DSCN0773Bill shot the only goose .DSCN0809It's a speckled goose. Hunting can be hard work, we would shoot ducks at first light. Then go in town to the Prairie Rose to get breakfast. At 10 we started pheasant hunting. We would hunt till we got our 3 birds and then go back to the house and clean them. DSCN0811
We did take a trip to a ranch, Bieber Red Angus Ranch. DSCN0718Steve is looking for a bull for his herd at home. DSCN0691Craig Bieber, the owner, was happy to show us some of the bulls.DSCN0698They use the by product of making Ethanol from corn in the feed mix. George is checking it out.DSCN0724For dinner we usually went back to the Prairie Rose. On Halloween night, the locales looked like this. IMG_1530After dinner we went back to house and some of us would have a few drinks. DSCN0663George always falls asleep at the table.DSCN0754We hunted for 5 days and headed home. The dogs had a good vacation. PB080006Here are a few more pictures from the trip:IMG_1496DSCN0771DSCN0778DSCN0756DSCN0679DSCN0640DSCN0781IMG_1462DSCN0783IMG_1451

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