Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Uncle Buddy invited me over to the farm to shoot snow geese.He has a nice pit by a small pond to hunt over.Uncle Buddy put out the decoys. Bill swept some snow off the blind.P1080018It had been snowing and we had about 4 or 5 inches. P1080009Cousin Stevie, Uncle Buddy's son, and his friend joined us.We had Janey for our retriever.It wasn't long and we had some ducks circling. Uncle Buddy said take them and we did. A snow goose was out there too. Janey went for it first.P1080046I had my double barrel 20 and managed to bring a mallard hen down.P1080059Uncle Buddy's been doing this hunting thing for a long time and knows what it takes to get the birds.P1080021He got out to dip the duck decoys and brush the snow from the geese decoys. P1080036Here's a good picture of the pit - the top slides open.
P1080061We had a big flock come over us and the fellows brought down 15 of them. The one I picked out kept flying - they were a little too high for my 20 gauge.P1080048Janey and I had a great time.P1080050Thanks Uncle Buddy - I've got goose meat now. P1080058

1 comment:

  1. Haven't seen Uncle Buddy in a long while so good to see the photos
