Thursday, January 20, 2011


Bill and I went deer hunting on his farm last Saturday afternoon. We got to the field at 4 o'clock and there were 12 deer in the field already. When they saw us,they headed towards the flood pond.I had my crossbow and got in the stand on the east side of the field. Bill was across from me on the west side. About 4:20 a button buck and his sister came out and feed on the green briers right under my stand. Then in a few minutes, I saw bigger does coming down the same path. The biggest one had one more step to take and I would have a clear 20 yard shot. However, when I brought my cross bow up, a bottle of water fell out of my coat pocket. When it hit the stand floor they all jumped back - the big ones went around the stand and stayed out of range.Then in a few minutes, I had a deer come out right in the field near me. It was a buck - I'm after a older doe. Then out came an older buck with a nice 8 points. He walked by, made a few grunts and feed in the field with the other deer.Wasn't long and I could see another deer coming my way. It stepped out in the opening and I decided take her. When she wasn't looking my way, I got the cross bow up. Had her in my sights when I saw a bigger doe coming. I decided to wait for her to come out. There were two more smaller ones with her and she looked right at me. She just backed up and ran off.I waited till dark and headed back to the truck. Bill had 5 deer around him but nothing he wanted to shoot. We will be back.

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